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New Scout Checklist

WELCOME to Troop 150!

Seven things for Scouts to do!  (Have a parent or guardian help if you need it!)
Six things for Parents to do! (Below)

  1. BSA Registration:
    1. Register online if at all possible.
    2. If you are unable to complete the online forms, we have forms at the meetings, you can visit the BSA District Office, or download forms from the Web:
      Youth Form all New scouts joining Troop must complete this form
      Adult Form any adult that wants to participate in the Troop activities must complete
  2. Complete a BSA Health Form
    All youth and adult members must complete part A&B to be part of the troop. Part C is required for any events longer than 72 hours (need a doctor signature).
    We also need a copy of your family’s health insurance cards.
    Please note that the BSA will not accept any other forms, such as school athletic forms.  Incorrect forms can result in Scouts being sent home from camps or other activies.
  1. Register for Summer Camp in the spring.
    We encourage all Scouts, particularly all new Scouts, to attend summer camp.   Camp really helps Scouts grow, and achieve many of the requirements for advancement.
  1. Register for Camporee in the spring.
    Attending Camporee & Pre Camporee are keys to your success. Troop 150 competes with our scout skills in the Pioneer District Camporee each year. Pre Camporee is where we practice our Scout skills before camporee.
  1. Get a Troop 150 Uniform
    1. The Troop has a parent volunteer who will help you get the correct uniform and check with them before you purchase a unifom.
    2. BSA Shirt (short sleeve only)
      1. With Arrow of Light (badge under left pocket)
      2. Purchase the Green Epaulets
      3. Do not purchase a hat or Troop numbers.
    3. BSA Uniform Shorts
    4. BSA Green Web Belt with Buckle
    5. BSA Crew Length Socks (2-3 pairs are best)
    6. Troop will provide
      1. Troop 150 Numbers
      2. Neckerchief
      3. Neckerchief Slide
      4. Troop Hat
    7. Wear a t-shirt under BSA Shirt (that does not hang below sleeves)
  1. Learn the Troop 150 Song (View the Lyrics)

And a BIG WELCOME from Troop 150 to Mom and Dad too!

Your Scout may have just joined Troop 150 but we like to think of you as joining the Troop family too!  We know from past experience the parent who becomes involved in scouting is the parent who sees their Scout advance — and nothing is more exciting than watching your Scout roll forward as he learns to work with other scouts. So, before you can jump in and join the fun yourself, we need you to:

  1. Confirm your Scout has completed registration:
    Contact our Troop Committee Chair if you have any questions or need help. This registration goes into our Troop records and becomes your Scout’s – and your – contact information. It is important that the information be complete and accurate.

  2. Become a Trained Adult:
    These official BSA courses will help you understand some leadership basics and how T150 works with your Scout.  You will need to be a registered adult and have your BSA ID, or a login to

BSA Training link

      • Youth Protection Training (YPT) – Required for all registered adults
      • Troop Committee
      • Merit Badge Counselor
      • Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)
      • Hazardous Weather
      • Safety Afloat
      • Safe Swim Defense
      • Climb-On Safely
      • Drive Safely
  1. Complete a BSA Health Form
    All youth and adult members must complete part A&B to participate in Troop activities. Part C is required for any events longer than 72 hours.   Part C requires a doctor’s signature.   Doctor’s will usually sign these if a patient has been seen in the last year.   Many pediatricians offer online submission of a health forms (often labeled as athletic forms).
  1. Review the T150 Adult Leadership Page
    Here you will find the adult leaders who will work with your Scout make their scouting experience as exciting and enriching as possible. Volunteer for something.   We encourage you to volunteer – become a merit badge counselor, lead a Patrol outing, assist with Camporee or Summer Camp, or become an Assistant Scoutmaster.  We can always use more help!

  2. Stay current with the Info visit the Troop 150 Calendar
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