Adult Leaders
Adult Leaders
Troop 150 Adult Leadership
Volunteering for leadership is a very rewarding experience. If you would like to be a parent leader in Troop 150 please review the positions below. We ask for a minimum one-year commitment. Terms begin in June. If you currently hold a position and are willing to continue in your current capacity or would like to make a change please notify the committee chairman during the month of May each year. All parents are welcome and encouraged to be involved in events, meetings and outings even if you don’t hold an official position.
Chartered Organization All Parents of Troop 150 | Responsibilities: * Meets a minimum of twice a year |
Chartered Organization Rep Dave Anderson | Responsibilities: * Heads the Chartered Organization * Secures a Troop Committee Chairman * Has final approval of Scout Master |
Troop Committee Tom Bauer – Honorary Member | Responsibilities: * Steers the Troop * Handles conflict resolution * Meets as needed |
Committee Chair Dean Hildreth | Responsibilities: * Organizes the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed. * Maintains a close relationship with the charted organization representative and Scoutmaster * Presides over troop committee meetings, parent meetings and any special meetings that may be called * Ensures troop representation at monthly roundtables * Approves all the committee positions and scoutmaster for the troop * Reviews annually charter * Encourages and solicits parent participation |
Treasurer Christen Eide | Responsibilities: * Keeps accurate financial records for the troop * Leads the Friends of Scouting campaign * Provides a financial report for all committee & parent meetings. * Collects all monies for events. * Reports to Committee Chairman |
Scoutmasters Bill Preisz (Boys Troop 150) Jennifer Niemeyer (Girls Troop 5150) | Responsibilities: * Inspiration for the troop * Maintains trained status * Works directly with the scouts on all issues * Active Participant in all events and Troop meetings * Reviews active status of scouts in leadership roles * Promotes advancement for scouts |
Assistant Scoutmasters Hamish Murray Eric Koldinger Garrett Mattson | Responsibilities: * Active participant in events. * Active participant in scout meetings * Maintain trained status * Works on advancement * Patrol Mentor – (When assigned to a Patrol) * Mentor Troop Instructor as needed – Support boy-led feature * Mentor Patrol Leader as needed – Support boy-led feature * Collect advancement progress status as instructed by the Advancement Coordinator * If Order of the Arrow Troop Advisor then Mentors OA Troop Rep |
Advancement Coordinator | Responsibilities: * Encourages scouts to advance in rank * Maintains troop advancement records * Arranges troop boards of review * Develops and maintains a merit badge counselor list * Secures badges and certificates for courts of honor * Reports to Scoutmaster |
New Member Coordinator Eric Koldinger | * Works with new families to make sure they’re informed and have all they need to participate |