

We’re excited for you to join our troop! There are a small number of steps to complete, but you’re welcome to attend meetings ahead of completing these tasks.

  1. Register online with Scouting America (Boys / Girls)
  2. Submit health forms to a troop adult leader
    • Each scout must complete and submit a paper copy of Scouting America Health Forms A and B1/B2 to attend any outdoor activities.
    • Attending any scouting trip over three days in length (e.g. summer camp) also requires Scouting America Health Form C.
    • Include a printed copy of your insurance card when submitting health forms.
    • Parents must also submit health forms ahead of attending scouting trips.
    • Health forms can be submitted at any weekly meeting.
  3. Get a Troop 150 Uniform
    • The troop can help you get the correct uniform articles. Please check in with us before buying anything listed below. We have a collection of donated and well-maintained items available for re-use.
    • Uniform articles:
      • Scouting America official articles
      • Troop provided (do not purchase from the Scout Shop)
        • Hat
        • Troop numbers
        • Troop class B t-shirt
        • Neckerchief slide