Merit Badge Counselors

Are you wanting to complete a specific merit badge, but don’t know who to ask? Well, that’s why were here. We will give you the information you need to succeed.

Merit BadgeCounselorsEagle Required
First AidSteven Chen, Emma Rawnsley, and Steve RollinsYes
Citizenship in the CommunityJason WaltersYes
Citizenship in the SocietyJoel RitenourYes
Citizenship in the NationNoah WarmanYes
Citizenship in the WorldJoel Ritenour, and Emma RawnsleyYes
CommunicationTom Ratcliffe, and Emma RawnsleyYes
CookingJoel Ritenour, Nate Hoffman, and Emma RawnsleyYes
Personal FitnessJohn Kern, and Emma RawnsleyYes
Personal ManagementEric Koldinger, James Young, Nate Hoffman, and Emma RawnsleyYes
CampingJason WaltersYes
Family LifeJoel Ritenour, and Emma RawnsleyYes
Emergency Prepareness*Hamish Murray, And Emma RawnsleyYes
Lifesaving*No CounselorYes
Environmental Science*Emma RawnsleyYes
Sustainabillity*Joel Ritenour, and Emma RawnsleyYes
Swimming*No CounselorYes
Hiking*Noah WarmanYes
Cycling*Eric KoldingerYes
American BusinessNate HoffmanNo
American CulturesJoel RitenourNo
American HeritageNo CounselorNo
American LaborNoah WarmanNo
Animal ScienceNo CounselorNo
AnimationNo CounselorNo
ArchaeologyNate Hoffman, and Emma RawnsleyNo
ArcheryNo CounselorNo
ArchitectureNate HorrmanNo
ArtJoel RitenourNo
AstronomyEric Koldinger, and Nate HoffmanNo
AthleticsNo CounselorNo
Automotive MaintenanceJoel RitenourNo
AviationNate HoffmanNo
BackpackingHamish MurrayNo
BasketryNo CounselorNo
Bird StudyJoel RitenourNo
BuglingNo CounselorNo
CanoeingNo CounselorNo
ChemistryChase DouglasNo
ChessJoel RitenourNo
ClimbingNo CounselorsNo
Coin CollectingJoel RitenourNo
CollectionsJoel Ritenour, and Nate HoffmanNo
Composite MaterialsNo CounselorNo
Crime PreventionJason WaltersNo
DentistryNo CousnelorNo
Digital TechnologyEric Koldinger, and Chase DouglasNo
Disabilities AwarenessNo CounselorNo
Dog CareNo CounselorNo
DraftingNo CounselorNo
ElectricityJoel RitenourNo
ElectronicsChase DouglasNo
EnergyNo CounselorNo
EngineeringChase DouglasNo
EntrepreneurshipNate Hoffman, and Chase DouglasNo
ExplorationNo CounselorNo
Farm MechanicsNo CounselorNo
FingerprintingJason WaltersNo
Fire SafetyNo CounselorNo
Fish & Wildlife ManagementNo CounselorNo
FishingJason WaltersNo
Fly FishingJason WaltersNo
ForestryNo CouselorNo
Game DesignJohn KernNo
GardeningJoel RitenourNo
GenealogyNate HoffmanNo
GeocachingJoel Ritenour, and Emma RawnsleyNo
GeologyEmma RawnsleyNo
GolfNate HoffmanNo
Graphic ArtsNo CounselorNo
Health, Care, ProfessionsNo CounselorNo
Home RepairsNate HoffmanNo
HorsemanshipNo CounselorNo
Indian LoreNo CounselorNo
Insect StudyNo CounselorNo
InventingNate HoffmanNo
JournalismNate HoffmanNo
KayakingNo CounselorNo
Landscape ArchitectureNo CounselorNo
LawNoah WarmanNo
LeatherworkNo CouselorNo
Mammal StudyJoel RitenourNo
MetalworkNo CouselorNo
Mining in SocietyNo CounselorNo
Model Desing and BuildingNo CounselorNo
MotorboatingNate HoffmanNo
MoviemakingNo CounselorNo
MusicJoel RitenourNo
NatureEmma RawnsleyNo
Nuclear ScienceNo CounselorNo
OceanographyNate Hoffman and Emma RawnsleyNo
OrienteeringNo CounselorNo
PaintingNo CounselorNo
PetsJoel RitenourNo
PhotographyNate HoffmanNo
PioneeringNo CounselorNo
Plant ScienceNo CounselorNo
PlumbingNate HoffmanNo
PotteryNo CounselorNo
ProgrammingEric Koldinger and Chase DouglasNo
Public HealthNo CounselorNo
Public SpeakingEmma Rawnsley and Nate HoffmanNo
Pulp and PaperNo CounselorNo
RadioNo CounselorNo
RailroadingNo CounselorNo
ReadingJoel Ritenour and Nate HoffmanNo
Reptile and Amphibian StudyNate HoffmanNo
Rifle ShootingNo CounselorNo
RoboticsNate Hoffman and Chase DouglasNo
RowingNo CounselorNo
SafetyJason WaltersNo
SalesmanshipNate HoffmanNo
ScholarshipJoel RitenourNo
Scouting HeritageJoel RitenourNo
Scuba DivingNo CounselorNo
SculptureJoel RitenourNo
Search and RescueJoel Ritenour and Steve RollinsNo
Shotgun ShootingNo CounselorNo
Signs, Signals, and CodesEmma RawnsleyNo
SkatingNo CounselorNo
Small Boat SailingEric KoldingerNo
Snow SportsJoel RitenourNo
Soil and Water ConservationEmma RawnsleyNo
Space ExplorationEric KoldingerNo
SportsNate HoffmanNo
Stamp CollectingNo CounselorNo
SurveyingNo CounselorNo
TextileNo CounselorNo
TheaterNo CounselorNo
Traffic SafetyNate HoffmanNo
Truck TransportationNo CounselorNo
Veterinary MedicineJoel RitenourNo
Water SportsNo CounselorNo
WeatherNate HoffmanNo
WeldingNate HoffmanNo
WhitewaterNo CounselorNo
Wilderness SurvivalJohn KernNo
Wood CarvingNo CounselorNo
WoodworkNate HoffmanNo

*Emergency Preparedness and Lifesaving are both Eagle Required, but you only have to do one of them.

*Environmental Science and Sustainability are both Eagle Required, but you only have to do one of them.

*Swimming, Hiking, and Cycling are all Eagle Required, but you only have to do one of them.